Julian Taylor

Research Director at Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research, Buckinghamshire NHS Healthcare Trust. Chair of the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) Paediatric Spinal Cord Injury Special Interest Group (also based at Stoke Mandeville).

Graduated in Physiology from the University of Sheffield (1986) with a PhD in
Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology from the University of Nottingham (1990). Julian
directs clinical studies focused on sensorimotor mechanisms of spinal cord injury
complications, including spasticity and neuropathic pain, and more recently mechanisms of
activity-based neurorehabilitation. He is member of the International Association for the
Study of Pain (IASP) from 2001 and founding member of the Castilla La Mancha Pain
Society (2010). Ongoing clinical projects at the National Spinal Injuries Centre (NSIC) at
Stoke Mandeville and the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos in Toledo include understanding
spinal cord injury pain and also its impact in the paediatric population.
Clinical Trial Management, ISCIII, Madrid 1998
American Medical Writing Association 2011
Good Clinical Practice Training, UK, 2015
Clinical Trial Management, Oxford Clinical Trial Unit, UK 2017